Sep 25, 2021, 11:07 AM
News ID: 84483083
1 Persons


Biden pursues unpredictable, costly foreign policy

Sep 25, 2021, 11:07 AM
News ID: 84483083
Biden pursues unpredictable, costly foreign policy

Tehran, IRNA - Political experts evaluate US President Joe Biden's administration's foreign policy unpredictable for their partners and costly for Washington itself.

Many analysts around the world were hopeful that Biden's presidency would bring about deep changes in diplomatic strategy of the United States, because he tried to showcase himself as a pro-interaction policy-maker in the US political spectrum, ; however, six months in power proved that he continues America's failed foreign policy.

The Biden administration's decision to pull out US military forces from Afghanistan without proper preparations led to Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan, which is considered as a controversial and irresponsible escape from the war-torn country, so many regional and extra-regional governments hold the US responsible for insecurity in Afghanistan and terrorist threats against other nations.

Another controversial move by Washington took place when the US signed a deal to deliver nuclear submarines to Australia, which was fiercely rejected by France. Moreover, the United States' attempts to create a military coalition with Britain and Australia in a bid to stand against China's might, which makes predictability of international politics much harder.

It is interesting that Biden underlines the need for unity at the UN General Assembly summit amid tensions with China, France, and the European Union, as well as NATO.

Biden's foreign policy just like his predecessor's has made American allies confused; therefore, it is expected that such policies will leave the US more isolated in the future.  

Even CNN news network reported that the Biden administration's foreign policy in a few months of his presidency hit the United States hard because American allies expected to see a more predictable foreign policy after Donald Trump, but what they witness is an unbalanced management of foreign policy.

Richard Haass, chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, described the withdrawal from Afghanistan as a big intelligence failure, which will bring about sad repercussions.

Analysts believe that the Biden administration suffers from structural weaknesses, which makes them adopt inconsistent foreign policies.

The Atlantic, an American magazine, reported that Biden cannot probably understand the world or some of his mental characteristics are not steady.  

According to political experts, a common point in strategies of both Trump and Biden administrations is that their foreign policies have not been predictable. Although Biden's political agenda differs from that of Trump, the results of such unpredictable and inconsistent decisions are costly and dividing.


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